The Effective Tips for Ruby on Rails Development

Ruby on Rails is one of the leading full-stack framework for creating web apps. It stands as an opinionated platform and offers abstraction to web based development. The features and conventions offered by the Rails enable developers to focus on design and development, without worrying about the working of web server.
Rails is at the moment at version 4.2 and has come a long way. Moreover, community developers have helped Rails to emerge as a great framework and address various needs of developers. Since, there are different new frameworks that are introduced freshly, ruby on rails development companies in UAE, US, Canada, and more countries consider this platform to be one-stop solution for web development.
Moreover, ruby on rails developer in Dubai and more countries have confirmed that working with this framework enhances speed, efficiency, code maintenance, and system architecture. It requires sufficient time to grasp on different features of Rails and to become pro in framework. We have gathered a list of leading hacks that you can utilize to become effective in your journey of ROR development.
Environment Setup
RVM serves as the leading manager that can simplify management and installation of Rubies. RVM is easy to install. The leading ruby on rails development services suggest developers to follow instructions available at resources such as
Gemsets Management (RVM)
RVM offers Gemsets for isolation of Ruby environments. You can leverage the power of it through building a Gemset per project per version of Ruby. You can access .ruby-version file, in addition to the setting the Ruby version, you have to include the Gemset name as following:
Later, you need to navigate to the project directory in the terminal. The new Gemset will be built as following:$ cd blog_app
ruby-2.1.2 - #gemset created /Users/backnol/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2@blog_app
ruby-2.1.2 - #generating blog_app wrappers - please wait...
Console of Rails
Rails console stands as one of the most powerful tools. It serves as a playground for many developers for testing various things. It comes into handy at times when you need to try something new such as new gem that you had recently installed. According to the leading ruby on rails development company, the more you discover about console, more you discover its power.
Helper Methods
The View Helpers are utilized in Rails for keeping a code DRY. Rails offer different View Helpers such as link_to, number_to_currency, and many more. Moreover, you can build personal View Helpers under the app/helpers directory. All View Helpers are then available and can be utilized in different views.
In case, you want to try the helpers in console without refreshing the browser, you can do it through help of helper object. The helper methods then become available as instance methods for the object:
>> helper.number_to_currency(10)
=> "$10.00"
>> helper.number_to_percentage(22, precision: 2)
=> "22.00%"
Final Words

We have revealed the best tips for Ruby on Rails development. If you find this article helpful, then feel free to share and spread the word.