Improve Your Website’s Performance through Using CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter stands as one of the leading open source frameworks for building great vibrant solutions. The CodeIgniter is a PHP based framework that has reasons for picked by the developers working at CodeIgniter development company Dubai. CodeIgniter offers superior and high-end security along with great-inbuilt features that have made it most demanded framework. The moment we build solutions in PHP web framework, we need to look for few things for boosting a website or app’s performance.
Having said, below are the best CodeIgniter tips and tricks that can help in enhancing a website’s performance. Read along to discover the tips utilized by leading CodeIgniter web development services:
Put Configuration in Config Directory
You can start creating a separate file when you are about to store all the config options rather than setting configuration values across every functions. It will assist you in building a website that has excellent performance par. Initially, the process may appear time-consuming. However, with time, it will help in saving a great deal of time to a developer.
Move Application Directory Outside of the System Folder
Through moving application directory outside of the system folder, you will not require to hunt down system directory when you are accessing a controller of model. Thus, you can move the application directory to a different folder as per your convenience. In addition, if you put a system directory and an application direction in a single folder, then you do not require altering anything.
Removal of Unwanted Libraries
There are various situations when every library may not be required during development process. It is suggested to remove the libraries that haven’t been utilized, thus, saving on server space. However, you need to be careful when you remove these libraries as they must not have been utilized anywhere else. Also, you can delete the unutilized libraries at the time of moving to host a server.
Reduce the Server Response Time
Server response time is the time required for a server to respond to a browser’s request. A decent server response time is indicative for a great CodeIgniter performance optimization. A great web hosting service can utilize a few server resources to reduce the overall response time, thus improving on overall website performance.
Make Use of Autoload
You can make use of the Autoload when needed. Interestingly, $autoload array can be utilized for loading various resources such as helpers, libraries, etc. In the meantime, you need to take care of it and don’t overuse it, or else you will reduce the website’s performance. Thus, we suggest using it wisely.
Remove Index.php from URL
For improving on a website’s performance, you can remove index.php from a website’s URL. The moment you start using CodeIgniter, index.php is included in URL due to by default nature. Thus, we suggest removing index.php for a well-optimized URL for search engines.
Final Words

So far, we have revealed the best tips utilized by CodeIgniter web design and development services for improving on website’s performance impressively. Also, you can search about CodeIgniter responsive web design tips to progress your designing skills. If you find this article helpful, then share to spread the word and help the growing developer’s community.