Latest Mobile App Development Trends That You Should Not Miss Out

The usage of smartphone is increasing at a steady speed and the Software Development Companies are working effectively to produce thousands of new mobile applications for their potential users.
The demand of trendy applications is at a rise and the mobile app development companies in UAE are progressively working to fulfill the requirements of their users. It is a known fact that the world is rapidly moving towards advancement in terms of technology and several trends have created hype in the market of mobile applications.
Loyica in this regard is one of the leading mobile app development companies in Dubai that believe in building applications which focus on the latest trends, the smartphone users seek for latest updates in the mobile applications and their demand can’t be ignored. However, following are the trends that software development companies should not miss when developing a mobile application.
Augmented Reality Technology
How cool would it be, if the smartphone users are likely to use the desired application with augmented features in it and just create a false illusion of the real world? Well, that would be very interesting as this is an advanced form of creativity, where an individual can perceive things of the real world in the most interesting way possible. Mobile app developers in Dubai are working day in day out in the field of Augmented Reality.
A collective and interactive experience of a real world environment where the objects are augmented via computer generated perceptual information is called as Augmented reality technology. This is a latest trend that has been adapted by some of the mobile app developers in UAE for various purposes, including video games. Pokémon GO is based on AR and has managed to break all the ratings, augmented reality is the advanced technology that is being adopted by the app development companies UAE to craft creativity of the real life objects and this is a very interesting trend which is soon going to become common in mobile applications.
Beacon technology is based on the latest features; it is a wireless transponders that provides efficient communication between the smart devices connected to a common BLE (Bluetooth low energy) network. This technology enables your smartphones which are constantly scanning for beacon signals; if your phone detects a nearly signal it can launch an app on it that is likely to respond accordingly.
The advantage of beacon is that the apps can display content which are relevant to your physical location for example walking into a restaurant and your phone automatically displays the current drink special or special discounts.
Internet of things (IoT)
Everything that has the prefix “smart” is considered as a single infrastructure used by the authorized users. Internet of things is not a mysterious technology anymore as all the smart things that you own can easily be controlled through your smartphones.
Mobile app design Dubai companies are creating applications which can easily control home appliances, toys and electronics for your ease, and in near future IoT will become very common.
Mobile e-commerce

Everything is being digitized and moving rapidly towards advanced stage and the best part is you can now easily shop online or deliver payments online without having to waste long hours in line waiting for your turn. E-commerce mobile applications are being developed rapidly which will not only provide ease to the users but also create a good user experience for them. The reliable development companies hire mobile app developers who can build robust Ecommerce stores.